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Water in Lakewood

Water is the lifeblood of a community and in the West that is especially true. Though much of the water delivered to residents and businesses throughout the community is done so by non-city water districts, the City of Lakewood still plays an important role. In 2019, City Council has directed staff to convene many of the largest water providers to have a conversation about the future of water in Lakewood. Staff will also be sharing with City Council information about the city’s own conservation efforts and water portfolio.  


Q4-19 Status


Q4-19 Status

Prepare a general list of the city’s water inventory and share it with City Council at an Executive Session

To Be Scheduled

Present to City Council current water use by the city and the impact of conservation efforts

To Be Scheduled

Implement water use strategies at city-owned parks and golf courses


Status Legend: Complete | In Progress | Needs Attention | To Be Scheduled

City of Lakewood, Colorado
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, Colorado 80226-3127
Phone: 303-987-7050

City of Lakewood, Colorado
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, Colorado 80226-3127
Phone: 303-987-7050