Home > Infrastructure
Providing quality infrastructure is one of the core functions of the City of Lakewood, and City Council identified improvements to stormwater infrastructure as a key goal for this year. This includes directing staff to evaluate existing stormwater systems and work toward the installation of new systems to address unmet stormwater needs.
Q4-19 Status
Q4-19 Status
Use cameras to inspect existing infrastructure and evaluate needs
Update maps showing all the stormwater channels and tributaries throughout the city
Continue outreach efforts to affected businesses in North Dry Gulch
Create and updates lists of key drainage projects and the funding that would be needed to complete them
Evaluate and present funding strategies for the completion of drainage projects
Status Legend: Complete | In Progress | Needs Attention | To Be Scheduled
City of Lakewood, Colorado
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, Colorado 80226-3127
Phone: 303-987-7050