Home > Long Range Funding Strategy

Long Range Funding Strategy

Q4 - 2021 Status
Q4 - 2021 Status

Provide City Council with an in-depth review of existing city financials


Develop a broad list of current and future capital needs throughout the city


Prepare for and present to the Budget and Audit Board a list of potential revenue enhancements


Prepare for and present to the Budget and Audit Board a list of potential operational reductions


Conduct a market review of current fees

In Progress
Status Legend: Complete | In Progress | Needs Attention | To Be Scheduled

City of Lakewood, Colorado
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, Colorado 80226-3127
Phone: 303-987-7050

City of Lakewood, Colorado
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, Colorado 80226-3127
Phone: 303-987-7050