Home > Beautiful and Sustainable City

Beautiful and Sustainable City

Q4 - 2023 Status
Q2 - 2024 Status

Increase dollars in the budget and FTE dedicated to sustainability focused on energy & water, waste reduction, and climate adaptation & resiliency.


Create and implement a turf replacement incentive program.


Sustainability and equitability notes will be included as part of new programs and large expenditures coming before City Council for action.

Status Legend: Complete | In Progress | Needs Attention | To Be Scheduled

City of Lakewood, Colorado
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, Colorado 80226-3127
Phone: 303-987-7050

City of Lakewood, Colorado
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, Colorado 80226-3127
Phone: 303-987-7050