Home > Character of Neighborhoods > Reduce traffic

Establish creative ways to reduce the impacts of traffic on the community

<h1>[cps_element object=''objective'' object_id=''327394'' field=''name'']</h1>
Dec 2018 Status
In Progress
Dec 2018 Result
In Progress

Strategic Initiatives

Complete Review and adjust signal timing of all major corridors on a continually rotating basis
Complete Continue to pursue funding for identified capital projects related to traffic
In Progress Evaluate and, if determined appropriate, implement a bike share program
In Progress Seek additional funding to support more agents for traffic enforcement
In Progress Continue to target high accident areas for enforcement
Complete Continue preparing the annual traffic safety report and pursuing potential safety improvements
Needs Attention Publicize local street traffic calming options to the community (speed humps and automatic speed display sign)

Status Legend: Complete | In Progress | Needs Attention | To Be Scheduled

Status Legend:
In Progress
Needs Attention
To Be Scheduled

City of Lakewood, Colorado
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, Colorado 80226-3127
Phone: 303-987-7050

City of Lakewood, Colorado
480 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, Colorado 80226-3127
Phone: 303-987-7050